How to Change Your WordPress Domain Name – A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Change Your WordPress Website’s Domain Name

Changing your domain name is a significant step for your WordPress website. Whether you’re rebranding, shifting focus, or just want a more memorable URL, it’s crucial to approach this change strategically. This guide will help you understand the reasons for changing your domain, the necessary preparations, and the steps to execute the change smoothly.

Why Would You Want to Change Your Domain Name?

There are several reasons to consider changing your domain name:

  • Rebranding: If your business has evolved or you want a name that better reflects your brand identity.
  • SEO Improvement: A relevant or keyword-rich domain can enhance your search engine visibility.
  • Simplicity: A shorter, easier-to-remember domain improves user experience.

Do You Have to Purchase a New Domain Name?

Yes, if you’re changing your domain, you’ll need to purchase a new one. Ensure that the new domain is available and aligns well with your branding strategy.

What to Do Before Changing Your Domain Name

Before diving into the technical aspects, consider these essential steps:

1. Choose a New Domain

Select a domain that aligns with your brand and is easy for users to remember.

2. Backup Your Website

Always create a full backup of your website, including files and databases, to prevent data loss.

3. Notify Your Audience

Inform your audience about the upcoming change through your website, social media, and email newsletters.

How to Change Your Domain Name in WordPress

Once you’ve prepared, follow these steps to change your domain name:

Step 1: Change Your URL Within WordPress

Navigate to your WordPress dashboard, go to Settings > General, and update your WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL) to the new domain.

Step 2: Update the wp-config.php

Access your website’s files via FTP or your hosting control panel. Open the wp-config.php file and update the following lines with your new domain:


Step 3: Update the WordPress Database

Use a plugin like “Better Search Replace” to update all instances of your old domain in the database to reflect your new domain.

Step 4: Set Up Permanent Redirects

To preserve SEO and direct traffic to your new domain, set up 301 redirects from the old domain to the new one. This can often be managed through your hosting provider or with a plugin like “Redirection.”

Step 5: Notify Search Engines

Submit your new sitemap to Google Search Console and other search engines to ensure they recognize the change.

WordPress Domain Change Plugins

Consider using these plugins to simplify the process:

1. Duplicator

Great for creating backups and migrating your site to a new domain.

2. Redirection

Helps manage 301 redirects and track 404 errors.

3. Backup Guard

A reliable option for backing up your site before making significant changes.

Follow These Tips for a Stress-Free Domain Change

  • Test Everything: After making changes, thoroughly test your site to ensure links, images, and functionalities are working.
  • Monitor Traffic: Keep an eye on your site’s analytics to understand how the change impacts your traffic.
  • Update External Links: If possible, update any backlinks pointing to your old domain to reflect the new one.

Our Services

At VersatelNetworks, we specialize in developing user-friendly websites that serve as the primary interface between businesses and their customers. Our services are designed to enhance engagement and drive conversions, ensuring that your online presence is both effective and impactful. Whether you need a complete website overhaul or specific enhancements, we’re here to help you succeed online.


Changing your WordPress domain name is a significant decision that should be made carefully. By following the outlined steps and tips, you can ensure a smooth transition that minimizes disruption to your audience and maintains your website’s SEO integrity.


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