Professional Data Extraction Services

Unlock the Power of Raw Data Collection

In the rapidly evolving AI era, data analysis has become a key competitive factor for businesses. However, before conducting data analysis, data extraction often poses a tedious and highly technical challenge. Even for websites built with JavaScript or those employing advanced anti-scraping measures, AI can struggle to effectively acquire the necessary data.
To address this pain point, we offer professional data scraping services. We possess industry-leading scraping technology that can overcome various anti-scraping restrictions. Regardless of the anti-scraping techniques employed by the target website, we have the capability to ensure regular and stable acquisition of the required information.
With our scraping services, you can save significant manpower and time costs, eliminating the cumbersome data collection process and allowing you to focus more on data analysis and insights, thereby enhancing your business competitiveness.

Data Storage

CSV, Excel xlsx

Efficiency Quality

Standardized Preprocessing


Expertise in parsing website structures

Supported Tools or Packages







Jupyter Notebook


Efficient Data Scraping

Our services aim to help small and medium-sized enterprises maintain a competitive edge in the AI era. Through highly efficient and secure data scraping, you can focus on your core business and data analysis, enabling you to make more informed decisions.


Regular Scraping and Storage

* We will regularly scrape the specified websites and store the data in CSV format
* [Additional Service]: Data can also be stored in API or JSON format in a database, providing you with readily available resources

Compliance with Website Rules

* We adhere to the robots.txt protocol of each website
* By comparing page hash values, we minimize disruption to the websites
* We ensure that the data extraction process complies with website policies

Secure and Reliable Login

* For websites that require login to access data (using cookies), we recommend upgrading to our secure nodes to ensure account safety

Flexible Maintenance Plans

* After UAT testing, our scraping scripts will be maintained and updated for 7 days
* Maintenance can be extended for up to 3 months upon request, including modifications to dynamic code

Free Proxy Support

* We provide free proxy services to ensure smooth data extraction


Remote Deployment Support

* We can deploy dedicated scraping servers on your local computer or cloud environment

Talk to Us

- Task Status Email Notifications, Stay fully informed about the progress of our services
- Transparency, Automatically generated reports on data extraction operations